The Liberating Rose Massage

“Absolutely life changing. Every woman needs to experience this, in my opinion. It should be as necessary as getting your nails done.”

- Ella

The intention

The most common place where women hold onto pain and trauma is in their womb…or, as I like to call her, Rose.

Whether it be from initial intercourse, childbirth, IUDs, consensual or nonconsensual intercourse, endometriosis, generational trauma, even pelvic exams…if you’re a natural born woman, chances are you holding onto some things in there.

How does that show up in our life? Well, it can be anything and everything from lack of desire, to painful intercourse, to feeling rigid and tense, to becoming resentful, hurt, angry, and absolutely hating our life.

How do I know? Well, I’ve been all of those things…and more. And I’m witnessed it in plenty of women.

We as women generally don’t speak up. We bite our tongues to keep the peace…all the while a tempest is slowly brewing beneath the surface.

Our inability to communicate our wants, needs, and boundaries creates distance and separation from not only our own bodies but our loved ones.

That locking up in your voice is connected with the locking up in your womb.

If you’ve been a people pleaser, an over giver, a caretaker…chances are you’re also enormously depleted in your energy and resources.

And we know how that translates over into our private, intimate lives. Yet another task to do when we sense that insistent urge from our partners and there’s only so many times we can say “it’s late”, “I’m tired”, “I’m not in the mood”.

Or…those times when we finally just give in and give up our body for our partner to get his needs met…all the while just laying there until it’s over.

Eventually…we’ve become so burnt out, so dried up, so empty inside, that we close off intimacy all together with our partner.

Sound like you? Trust me, I promise you, you aren’t alone.

Many relationships have ended due to lack of desire and intimacy.

And thinking someone new will fix things or make it better…doesn’t address all the above.

While we cannot change our partners and how they show up (or don’t)—

We can decide to show up and do the work to create change in ourselves.

And one of the most transformative ways that we can do this, is through a Rose Massage.

The Elements of the Essential Rose Massage

This is much deeper than a standard massage that you normally receive, for many reasons.

We are doing more than just surface level touch. We are going to areas that are usually off limits.

This is because we are excavating and addressing “issues in the tissues”— physical, emotional, energetic.

My hands are intuitive and as I tune into your body, they will go where your body is experiencing stuck emotions and energy all over the body.

The massage, while it is intimate touch, is meant to be therapeutic in nature.

It is completely normal to feel a medley of feelings and sensations during the experience— everything from tingles to tears, to pleasure, to cathartic releases, to warmth, to even perhaps an orgasmic release.

What we are doing is “going there”— going to places on the body that most times are only ever examined by a gynecologist…and usually aren’t tender about it.

This is about bringing nurturing, caring, conscientious touch to not only your entire body, but to the most sacred part, your Rose.

And receiving the touch from a woman who understands what it’s like to experience the hurt, the pain, the shame, the trauma, the grief has been incredibly healing for the many women I have had the honor to touch.

The process

The first step would be to fill out the confidential contact form on the Get in Touch page.

Once I receive it, we will set up a call to have a conversation.

During the conversation, I will be asking various questions to get a deeper understanding about your body, your intimate life, what you’re working through, etc.

I will also explain more fully what the flow of the experience is.

If we agree that this would be of benefit for you, we would set the appointment.

The overall structure of the Essential Rose Massage is:

20 minutes checking in
45 minutes providing a full body massage
45 minutes focusing on Rose
30 minute relaxing rose bath
20 minutes closing the session
(+ 20 minute leeway in case any element needs some extra time)

Followed by:

An integration phone call within 24-48 hours of the session.

Depending on where you’re at and how you’re feeling, I offer ongoing virtual coaching to further support you as things awaken, shift, and transform in your life.

Fee: I offer a sliding fee from $900 - $600 for the massage plus the integration call. This is something I want available to all women who know they need this.

Future Rose massages can be tailored more to your individual need and focus.

Men, if you are reading this: I strongly encourage you gifting this experience to your partner. I have had women sitting up halfway through, sobbing and thanking me for this work. Me helping your partner work through what’s holding her back from connecting with you has the potential to have a profound impact on your relationship.

One more thing: I have worked with women from all faiths, walks of life, and around the world. While this is something that is not readily known about due to the sensitive nature of the experience, it is part of a lineage of women taking care of each other for thousands of years.

Liberating Rose

If you can picture a rose how it starts off as a bud.

And then slowly it begins to open, petal by petal.

Until it comes into full bloom.

This is what is possible for your Rose as well.

With warmth, care, tenderness, and patience, you can experience a transformation within your womb that you did not know was possible.

I don’t say these words lightly. This is based on what I have experienced and witnessed.

And what starts to happen as the Rose begins to bloom?

Well, other things in our life do as well.

Most importantly, your voice.

You begin to express yourself in ways you would not or could not before.

As desire starts to awaken inside again, you begin to start identifying what you want, and being able to ask for it.

You notice where you have overwhelmed yourself and start setting boundaries to be able to tend to yourself first.

It’s the most selfless thing you can do, and helps you show up better for the people and things you care about the most in your life.

Super exciting, right?

You get clearer on your “yes” and your “no”.

What you want, what you need.

It’s amazing to see women a year or more later after receiving this work.

Again and again they pinpoint the Rose Massage as being a pivot point in their life.

Pillars of the Essential Rose Massage:







Shared Responsibility

Get in touch…

…if you are ready to experience healing in a whole new way.