The Igniting Firewood Massage

“Seeing you is like pressing the reset button in my life.”

- Dave

The intention

Men have also experienced pain and trauma throughout their life.

They just…don’t talk about it.

Growing up, girls were encouraged and expected to express their feelings.

Boys, suppress and repress.

Men also carry tremendous burdens on their shoulders. Things they often don’t talk about because they don’t want their partners to worry.

And because there is so much bottled up that they haven’t been able to process, they tend to do anything they can to distract and numb themselves to cope.

This over time impacts how they show up…in life and in bed.

Their inability to truly listen, tune into their partner, and connect can be deafening in a way.

Men also tend to not talk to one another about the struggles they’re going through.

And so men become further isolated in their pains, struggles, worries, and burdens.

What I create is a safe space to let everything fall away.

All pretense, titles, responsibilities, and roles evaporate.

You’re able to let go, to breathe, to relax, and to be present.

And because I bring my total attention to you, both through my touch and my presence, I often become a listening ear as men get out what they’re too afraid to express.

I have been told multiple time it’s like seeing a therapist and having a full body relaxation that resets the mind, the body, and the spirit.

You will walk away feeling rejuvenated, invigorated, renewed.

The Elements of the Igniting Firewood Massage

This is much deeper than a standard massage that you normally receive, for many reasons.

We are doing more than just surface level touch. We are going to areas that are usually off limits.

This is because we are excavating and addressing “issues in the tissues”— physical, emotional, energetic.

My hands are intuitive and as I tune into your body, they will go where your body is experiencing stuck emotions and energy all over the body.

The massage, while it is intimate touch, is meant to be therapeutic in nature.

This is about bringing nurturing, caring, conscientious touch to not only your entire body, but to the most sacred part, your Wood.

Bringing intentional attention and slowing down helps you to become less in your mind and more present in your body.

The process

The first step would be to fill out the confidential contact form on the Get in Touch page.

Once I receive it, we will set up a call to have a conversation.

During the conversation, I will be asking various questions to get a deeper understanding about your body, your intimate life, what you’re working through, etc.

I will also explain more fully what the flow of the experience is.

If we agree that this would be of benefit for you, we would set the appointment.

The overall structure of the Essential Firewood Massage is:

20 minutes coaching/counseling
60 minutes full body massage
10 minutes wrapping up

Followed by:

A text check in within 24-48 hours of the session.

Fee: $500

I offer ongoing virtual coaching to further support you as become reinvigorated and take charge in making positive change in your life.

I am in your corner. I know how much we need men to gain confidence and stand in their power. Being a guide to help shift men from feeling impotent in their life to a force of nature is exciting and an honor. We need good men to rise!

Igniting Firewood

With great power comes great responsibility.

A fire can warm a home or burn it down.

Wood can be used to create new things and to destroy as well.

Fire is an alchemical force that can transform material and create something entirely new.

This becomes part of the work in you recognizing your power and learning how to use it consciously rather than suppressing or rejecting it.

There is a very strong, primal force within you that has been dormant for a long time.

It is your Inner Warrior and King.

Like Sir William Wallace from Braveheart, King Leonidas from 300, the Knights of Excalibur or any of the other fantastic heroes of myth and legend— you, too, have that within you.

The understanding of righteousness.

What valor and honor mean.

Standing in truth and integrity.

Presenting strength of character and fortitude of sprit.

You are a legend in the making.

You just needed to get your fire ignited.

Pillars of the Igniting Firewood Massage:








Get in touch…

…if you are ready to experience healing in a whole new way.